


CrossFit Eden – CrossFit

A: Metcon (Time)

Equipment version:

5 sets

4 deadlift

6 power clean

50′ front rack lunges

Rest 2 minutes btwn sets

Bodyweight version

5 sets:

:20 sec plank

:20 sec glute bridge hold

:20 sec odd object hug lunges

:30 sec REST

B: Metcon (Time)

E5MOM x4

2 rounds of:

6-9 Bench Dips

6-9 Bulgarian split squat per leg OR alt jumping lunges

6-9 HSPU or Pike push ups

*You have 5 minutes to complete the 2 rounds above. If you were to finish in 3 minutes, then you would rest the remainder time until 5 minute mark, then start the next set and will do this 4 times (20 minutes total)

C: Metcon (No Measure)


AMRAP 30 Minutes *Scale as needed

400m HARD

400m MOD

400m EASY