


CrossFit Eden – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

90 second row or bike

2 wall walks

12 air squats


Strict handstand push-ups

3 sets, 3:00 rest b/w:

5 strict deficit hspu


Max reps strict hspu no deficit

*Perform a set of 5 at most difficult progression, then immediately into max reps of an easier progression.


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time w/ a partner:

60 double-unders (each, at same time)

15 synchro ttb

9 synchro thrusters, 135/95

Extra Work

Metcon (No Measure)

Assault bike intervals

6 x 30 on 30 off

rest 2 minutes

6 x 40 on 20 off

rest 2 minutes

6 x 20 on 40 off

rest 4 minutes

6 x 60 seconds on 60 seconds off

rest 4 minutes

90 seconds max calories

Strict Pull-ups

3 sets:

5 strict weighted C2B pull ups

max rep strict pull ups

Rest 3 minutes between sets

Metcon (No Measure)

4 sets

50′ 1 arm OH KB walk (25′ one arm, 25′ other


Pallof Press 10/side

Reverse Hypers (4×20)